Thursday, December 11, 2008

The first days

After a blogging hiatus of over six months I thought that I might create a new one to chart my new life as a mum and to record the progress of my little girl in suitably gushing terms. So far it has been pretty amazing - a rollercoaster of love and tears. This new blog will also hopefully help with the major internet boredom that has overtaken me, there is just nothing interesting to look at anymore. All my blogging friends have stopped posting, facebook has lost its thrill, the news sites are just dull and I have never really enjoyed you tubing (which sounds like some kind of adventure sports activity).

I haven't decided if this should be shared with friends as my last blog, I Don't Like It, led to several instances where I put my foot in it when either I didn't realise that friends were reading the blog or when people took offence at things that I didn't mean to be offensive.

Blog rage is a real thing people.

So at this stage I may just keep this little blog to myself and see how I go.

Anyhoo.....back to motherhood.

The first couple of days were just a blur of confusion while we were working out what we were meant to be doing with this little bundle that we brought home from the hospital. Luckily, like most newborns Miss Z was mostly interested in sleeping and food. Also luckily Mr KR was a gem and we worked together in a blur of sleep deprivation to try to understand the needs the new member of the family.

The first hurdle was a direct result of bad hospital food. As the food at the hospital was so bad and I was starving after the birth we decided to go home at 6pm on the same day that Miss Z was born. It was great to get back to our own space but around 8ish she started crying and we didn't know what to do. We were both up all night pacing the floor, singing to her, looking in bewilderment at the crying bundle. When we were visited by the midwife next morning she told us that Miss Z was probably hungry. We didn't realise as during her first 12 hours in the hospital she mainly slept so I was expecting her to only want food every four or five hours.

Tip number one for new mums, breast fed babies need a lot of food in the first couple of days. It can even be every hour or so especially at night.

If only people had told me this Miss Z would have had much less traumatic first 24 hours.

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