Well as I assume no one found me, not even my old school blogging friends, I will probably continue writing for an audience of very few.
I have just got off the plane from a visit with the little Z to the northern Australian town I used to call home and I think that I will be very sad for a little while. I loved being back there, it just feels right for this stage in my life. My friends back there all seem to have kids and may even be on their second. My friends in Melbourne on the other hand are crap. Most of them have dropped off the radar since we can't go out partying anymore. I am OK with this but I just think our life would be more fun and less challenging if we had good support networks, and some family around us.
I am pretty pleased that I am making a couple of good new friends but it is hard as everyone has all the friends that they need, and it is difficult to make space for new people when you have established networks.
I am also a bit concerned as my DH was delighted to see little Z but I felt distinctly underwhelmed with my reception. No special dinner, no special treatment. I felt that he was a bit distant. It just shows me how much work I put into keeping our relationship up.