Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things they are a changing

After swearing blind that we would let little Miss Z just find her own way to fall asleep and stay asleep I have finally decided that enough is enough. I know that she is a clever little muffin girl and I just need to gently show her what she needs to do to fall asleep so yesterday I tried the camping out method. I have her cot up against our bed and I just lay down and pretended to be asleep at her morning nap time, while making the little sleep sounds that we have used since her birth. It took 45 mins and lots of tears but Miss Z fell asleep without being rocked or fed for the first time since she was born! I tried again last night and it was one of the most horrible experiences, she got really upset and woke up every 45 mins but this isn't too different from her normal 2 hours inbetween awakenings.

I just did it for her afternoon nap and there were no tears, a bit of cot playing but she tried to lie down and go to sleep for the first time ever! I hour later I am up but hoping that this will do what they promise and teach her to sleep without me. I am happy to be there for her but several things drove me to this
  1. she is nearly a year old and I haven't had longer than five hours sleep in a row since she was born
  2. I think that she is developmentally ready to learn this skill without thinking that I have abandoned her
  3. it isn't just letting her cry it out in a room by herself
  4. feeding her to sleep just wasn't working very well anymore. If I have to lie down with her for half hour or more I may as well pretend to be asleep.
  5. I just can't have her clambering over me all night anymore.
I hope that this doesn't make me the worst parent ever. I certainly felt that way last night when she was so upset.

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