Thursday, September 17, 2009

Waterloo sunset

Bagels for breakfast this morning. They always make me think about working at Waterloo Station in London in the offices looking over the very busy concourse. There was a bagel cart there which did delicious toasted bagels which you could get with vegemite! Every day when I went to work there I would either sing Abba or The Kinks depending on what mood I was in that day. Ahhh fun times.

Not so much fun times with Miss Z's sleep training, after a very successful night on Wednesday night where she slept for 6 hours Thursday night was hellish. She woke up at 3.30 and just wouldn't stop crying or go to sleep. Yesterday was slightly better but only very short naps were taken during the day and she woke up a lot, every 2 hours at night. I noticed (because my sleep is very very shallow) that whenever Mr KR would do anything in his sleep, snore, have a small nightmare Miss Z would start awake. That meant that I had to get her out of bed, feed her, resettle her and pat her until she fell asleep. Normally the process would only take 5 minutes but it now takes half and hour. And she is still waking up as much as she did when co-sleeping and feeding to sleep. Yesterday was a very sad day.

I am going to stick with this sleep training until Sunday. If it doesn't work then I don't know what I will do. I need sleep so badly.


  1. Oh God, you poor thing! You have my sympathies. I sleep badly as is but my noisy neighbour adds to my woes and it's enough to make me as crazy as she is! I really hope you get some lovely, warm, cosy, sweet sleep soon.

  2. Hey Eleanor - how lovely to see you in my new blog. Hope you are feeling better. Sleep is probably the only thing I can talk about at the moment. This is what happens when you get none of it.
